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The great cherry table is the centerpiece and pride of our new conference room. It was built in situ, as too large and heavy to do it any other way. It was a joy to have Strother Purdy with us during this time. He built the table according to the golden ratio between length and width. It gets endless compliments, for its design, superb craftsmanship and use of a recycled local tree. Thank you so much.

—Peter Kahane, owner of AMEICO, October, 2013



“The furniture is beautiful and such a special part of the Bullfinch Project. Thank You.”

-Jeff Domina, English Department Chair, Phillips Academy Andover, December, 2012



“What a delight to stand at my new desk and to write this — my inaugural letter from this spot — You are an extraordinarily talented builder of desks. I cannot imagine a better pair of desks for this office… The secret compartments have just the right whimsical touch — done,  though, with the same exquisite craftsmanship as the rest of the work. I am overwhelmed and deeply grateful. Thank you.”

-John Palfrey, Head of School Phillips, Academy, Andover, September, 2014



“Once again – wow! Thank you. I just love the tables you have made for the Head of School’s office here at Phillips Academy. I have the sense that they will greet families, students, faculty and other guests for generations to come.”

-John Palfrey, Head of School Phillips Academy, Andover, September, 2015



“Thank you doubly for your woodworking artistry. First, for the amazingly stunning table in the conference room of the Wellness Center. And second, for the ingenious SWC planter. What great ideas and clever execution. The Wellness Center dedication was not my first encounter with your work at Phillips Academy, but I am so pleased that you brought your craft to this project.”

-Rebecca Sykes, Associate Head of School, Phillips Academy, Andover, May, 2016



“Last Sunday, at the final Choral Concert of my career here, I was presented with two exquisite gifts, each of them designed and crafted by you. Every time I look at them, or for that matter, read what you wrote as a description, I am moved beyond words. I cannot imagine receiving a more beautiful or more thoughtful gift. The hint of the lily on the baton, the fashioning of the Carmel daisy, the letter M (or W) all are inspired and so delicate. I have admired your work here in Bullfinch and the new Sykes Center. Never in my wildest dreams did I consider you would make something for me and the music department… please know what a magical gift this was for me. With deep gratitude and admiration”

-Christopher Walter, Music Instructor, Phillips Academy, Andover, June 2016

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50th anniversary table for the Afro-Latino-American Society at Phillips Academy, Andover, April, 2018.

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In the mid-1980’s we moved to Bridgewater from New York City. We had two ancient apple trees in the front yard, all that was left of an apple orchard which, according to an octogenarian member of our church, had been planted by his father sometime shortly after 1900. One of the trees was a rather ordinary Macintosh, but the other, which nobody could identify, produced in abundance apples of no particular beauty but which made the most delicious apple pies and apple sauce with an unusual combination of tartness and sweetness. For the better part of three decades we enjoyed its produce and gave hundreds of jars of sauce away to friends and family who always exclaimed how special it was. However, time was not kind to the tree itself which became gnarlier and gnarlier, losing limbs to snowstorms and age. We engaged local tree experts to try to maintain it, but it was clear that time was not its friend. And then, in 2014 it finally succumbed, splitting in half during a snow storm. My wife was heartbroken, but Strother salvaged a large piece and was able to fashion a lovely bowl as a memento mori of an old friend and companion.

- Bill and Luz MacArthur, May, 2015.



…we have received wonderful feedback on the OWHL bookends. A few even said it was the best gift they have ever received from PA!

-Amy Whitehead, Director of Donor Relations, Phillips Academy, Andover, February, 2020.